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  • Writer's picturemelissa darville

Protect our children

Time for a real conversation. Yes, I realize that this topic cannot be solved as a post. Yes, I realize that laws need to change.  But it is crucial that  we  get out of the lukewarm area of only reacting when an atrocity happens. We need to have these difficult conversations about Evil. 

I will start with this question and I need you to comment below thanks in advance. How many people to you personally know, who were molested as a child or raped as a teen or young adult? My answer is 10 off-hand.

So the conversation is that every one of those persons had told an adult but nothing was done? What is it about our adults that causes them to freeze, sweep things under the carpet and not want to deal with evil? How do we change the thinking of our people? And it’s not just those who live in poverty. No. This happens in happy-looking affluent homes too. Evil doesn’t just belong to the poor lol. We think because people hold prestigious jobs that their soul is right. We think because women are fixed up and have a great job that they stand up against cruelty. No. 

I know that some children have no safe place. No matter which side of the family they go to, a wretched adult is there waiting for them to show up. I have heard stories that grandmothers close their doors so they can’t hear the drama. Mothers say so what it happened to me too, get over it,  it that's life. Tears rolled down my face as I wished I was their friend when they were young because I think I would have tried to help. 

I know of mothers now living in regret as they see their adult daughters suffer mentally and physically because of all the abuse they let happen to them. They wish they had the strength to defend them, but were on thin ice themselves. 

This is not a fairy tale I am talking about. These things are happening right now. These generational secrets and cursed behavior were never addressed and rooted out so they just get passed on. Evil has had a long enough run, don’t you think? Let’s start by first praying that this evil be exposed and that Grammys and mothers start to get the Holy Spirit's courage to clean up their houses. 

We want the country to be cleaned up. Yes, that's an easy topic everyone can shout loud about and point fingers at. So let’s clean it up. House by house. Room by room. Let us clean out our dirty closets- let the truth and light hit the walls. 

I have to share this. I was in the store and this lady was on her phone talking loudly saying how the lil girl is so hot she went and got pregnant for her daddy. JESUS JESUS JESUS. Lord she was walking fast and looked a bit (rough) I wanted to just shake her! But I thought, to what end? What would it solve? My God. Our people. Our thinking is so far off from what is good. 

I will need your help with suggestions in the comments as well thanks. I came up with a few reasons. 1. The mother, if she was told, was afraid of the person herself. 2. The mother was in no financial position to leave the environment. 3. The mother was herself abused and thought there was no escaping it. 4. The mother exists in denial because she is afraid of conflict. 5. The mother has been programmed to enable the person. 6. The mother is mentally ill. 

So now what is the child to do? If she tells someone out of the home, she or he will not get out of the cycle unless the home changes. This problem has to be attacked from so many angles.

The child has to not only get the courage to speak up, but the child has to feel safe that something will actually change and that no further punishment will happen. 

The mothers and grandmothers need to have a mindset shift. They need deliverance to understand their role as guardians. They may need a financial escape. They may need physical protection. They need psychological help. 

The culprits. I don’t know where to start. How have we gotten so evil and perverted? How do we stop this perversion? How can we stop this obsession with abusing women and children? How do we stop this obsession with sex? Has the craving for flesh really become so strong that we as a people throw everything to the wind to feel good???? But abuse is not just about sex is it because there are willing people available? Abuse is about the power and crushing of the next person. The high they seek isn’t just the sex. It is the feeling of overpowering someone and the evil thrill of defiling someone. 

This post is probably not for you because you would never let evil take up residence in your house. So please… share this in your groups until it reaches the homes of the women where these things happen. Share it until it reaches the homes of women in contact with kids who may be able to discern something is off and then help the child. 

Let’s start cleaning up the world one evil scheme at a time. This is where we live. If we don’t fix each other, who will? Who? It doesn’t matter how beautiful our hotels and beaches are, or how much investment we can lure here if - The people are suffering. 

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